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The Realities of Green Clean In Commercial Cleaning

As the world enters the new 20’s, a lot of people are becoming more and more focused on the environment and how chemicals can affect their health. Although technically everything is made out of a “chemical”, some chemicals can be more harmful to your health than others. A particular study that was recently released showed just how harmful some of the chemicals in cleaning products can be. In a study done by the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, women who had worked as commercial cleaners or residential cleaners were much more likely to contract lung diseases and have breathing issues later in life. Studies like these have led to a “green clean” movement, where people are looking for more natural and safe alternatives to traditional cleaning products that will harm them and the environment less.  

Although a lot of people are looking for a green clean as opposed to a chemical clean, it can still be difficult to find a product that is truly “green”. Although most products labeled “green” truly can benefit a person’s health, there are some that still contain some harmful chemicals and use the label simply as a marketing ploy to try and get people to buy it. This is why you must always double-check your products and make sure that they truly are environment and body safe.

Many commercial cleaning services have also started to market themselves as green cleaners or have a separate, more expensive set of services that use only green products and practices. When hiring this type of commercial cleaning service, it would be wise to check and see what exactly makes their green cleaning “green”.  If they give vague answers or list products that aren’t actually “green”, you may be getting scammed! You don’t want to pay for the label of “green” without actually getting the “green clean”.

If protecting your health and the environment is important to you, check out green cleaning a bit more with your residential or commercial cleaner!