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Commercial Cleaning Must-Have Products

Commercial cleaners use a lot of products, and sometimes the list can get a bit convoluted. Here are a couple of key products that commercial cleaners will need to have!

A toilet bowl cleaner is a type of cleaner that will have to be bought for a commercial cleaning company. These cleaners will solely be used for just toilet bowls and urinals. It’s important to be careful about what type of toilet bowl cleaner you purchase. Although you will want a slightly acidic toilet bowl cleaner, you don’t want to buy one that is super acidic. This can be dangerous. A toilet bowl cleaner usually cannot be bought in bulk. You will probably have to purchase a toilet bowl cleaner as a ready-to-use product. 

Another product that will be needed for a commercial cleaning company is a stainless steel cleaner. Stainless steel can be encountered in a lot of different commercial cleaning jobs, so it’s important to have this product. Stainless steel cleaner is especially important for commercial kitchen cleaning jobs. A lot of commercial kitchens will have a lot of stainless steel in them that desperately needs to be cleaned. Commercial kitchens deal with a lot of foods that could carry harmful bacteria on them, such as raw chicken or beef. That is why it is so important to have some sort of stainless steel cleaner. The stainless steel countertops must be sanitized and you don’t want to damage your client’s stainless steel to do so. These cleaners will also have to be used on drinking fountains, sinks, or other fixtures. To clean these surfaces, you will need to either have stainless steel polish or glass cleaner. The stainless steel polish can be used after a disinfectant or all-purpose cleaner. 

Although these are fairly specific, toilet bowl cleaner and stainless steel clearly are very important. Any good commercial cleaning company will keep these products in stock!