Commercial cleaners use a lot of different products when they are cleaning a commercial business, but one of the most important is the microfiber cloth. Microfiber cloths are used for a ton of stuff in commercial cleaning. They are the rags of choice for commercial cleaners. They are used to actually clean with cleaning solutions and they are used as dusters as well. As you can see, they are very versatile. In this article, we’ll talk a little bit about microfiber cloths and how they relate to the commercial cleaning industry.
Microfiber cloths are something that commercial cleaners should always keep in their toolbelt. They can cost as cheap as 50 cents per rag. You will most likely need to purchase a few microfiber cloths in different colors so that you can use a color-coded system when cleaning. For example, have a red microfiber cloth that is only used in the bathroom, a blue one that is only used in common areas, and a green one that is only used on desks and other things. These classifications can depend on what type of commercial building you are cleaning. If you are cleaning a storage warehouse, for example, you may only be cleaning one type of thing that only requires you to have one color of microfiber cloth. In other commercial buildings, however, it is a good idea to have a few different colors of microfiber cloths to use for different things. This will prevent cross-contamination across the rooms. Even within a room, such as a bathroom, you will want to have different microfiber cloths that you use. You should not be using the same microfiber cloth to wipe down the toilet area as you do the sink area, that is just gross. You can train your employees to use the different colored microfiber cloths. This way, you won’t have to worry about your employees cross-contaminating different rooms.
As you can see, microfiber cloths are very important for the commercial cleaning industry!